5 Accessories Your Phantom 4 Drone Will Thank You For!

After spending $1,500 on my Phantom 4 Pro drone all the way back in 2016, I decided I should invest in a few accessories to help keep that investment safe and in this post, I’d like to share the 5 that I think are most important.

Now I am not recommending anything fancy like ND filters or special propellers such as the ones which came out with the recent Phantom 4 Pro V2.0, but I am recommending things that will keep your model safe and lasting longer, that is the ultimate goal of this article.

By the way, I want to mention that the beauty of these accessories is that no matter which Phantom 4 model you own (regular, advanced, pro, pro+, V2.0), that these accessories are applicable to all of them since the body of these models is the exact same one. So let’s get into them:

Here are the 5 accessories I recommend you get for your Phantom 4 drone:

  1. Propeller caps.
  2. A reliable USB cable to maintain a good connection.
  3. A car charger for the Phantom 4 battery.
  4. The Manfretto backpack specifically to carry the drone.
  5. Propeller guards (if you’re new to flying).

Now these 5 accessories are subjective to my needs and how I use my Phantom 4 Pro drone, but most of them, especially the first 3 will really come in handy for just about any owner of this drone and to prove, that, let me get into the details:

1) Propeller caps for the Phantom 4 drone:

phantom 4 drone accessories

I don’t know why these aren’t pitched more often but I have them and I recommend you get them too. They are extremely cheap, and considering the value they bring to protecting your drone, why wouldn’t you want them?

You basically place these caps for the Phantom 4 where you put the propellers on and they protect them from getting dust or other debris inside them.

I have yet to see a single blogger or YouTuber mention them, but I personally find them to be essential for your Phantom’s safety. Think about all the potential places you could be flying in. Let’s take:

Flying a drone at the beach. How likely is it that there’s wind and there’s sand blowing around, some of which can enter your model’s motors? Very likely. Having a cap preventing that from happening is a big deal.

What about dust flying around other areas, or pollen, hair and other debris you can barely see or not see at all? It doesn’t take a lot for these things to mess up one motor and potentially cause an accident.

Or even take keeping this drone in your home, for an extended time. Dust may very well get in there if you don’t keep the place clean and these caps will protect the internal parts of the drone getting damaged.

These props will not always protect you (you do have to take them off before you fly obviously), but they will make sure that if your P4 is lying around, doing nothing or at least if you’re traveling with it in the open, that these caps will protect the sensitive, motor areas from getting filled up and that can really make a HUGE difference in your drone’s longevity. Get the Phantom 4 protection caps here.

2) A dependable USB cable to connect the Phantom 4 remote to your phone:phantom 4 accessory list

I use this one (I also use it for my Mavic Pro as well as for my other drone models) instead of the white, default one which comes with my Phantom 4 (even though it’s pretty good).

I find this cable is not only reliable in connection, but it also helps maintain a strong connection between the phone, the remote and drone.

I have personally had LESS issues with connection interference when having these cable set up. It’s very cheap and yet very useful.

Get it here (make sure to select the right phone extension or you can get the wrong one, like I did).

3) A car charger for the Phantom 4 battery:

I use my drones most often when I travel and I have found that investing in a car charger for the battery of my Phantom 4 has been priceless. I can charge the battery inside while driving and have it ready for my next stop/flight. This also saves me from having to buy an extra battery because I can keep reusing the same battery.

I never leave on trips with my drones without them. Here is the car charger I use for my Phantom 4 battery. And it also includes a charger for the remote too, for a very low price.

Note: Before you start using the car charger for your drone battery, be sure to know the proper care tips for your drone battery so ensure it doesn’t go bad.

4) The Manfrotto backpack specifically designed for the Phantom 4:

I love the foam box you get your Phantom 4 in, but as good as it is, it’s not always comfortable to carry around. As a hiker, I need both of my hands to be free so I can have the right balance, and this default foam box just won’t do. 

While there are numerous backpacks out there for the Phantom model, the one I have is called the Manfrotto Backpack for the Phantom 4 and not only does it comfortably fit my drone, but it also fits extra batteries, more, smaller models like my Mavic Pro, Spark, Mavic Air, and more.

And I can carry a lot of extras there too, like a landing pad and more. It is also comfortable to put on and I’ve never gone hiking with my Phantom without it. Get it here.

5) Propeller guards (For beginners, tight flight spots and beginner fliers):

The Phantom 4 is large, and it’s often difficult to fly this drone indoors or in tight spots outside. Though I would not recommend you try it unless you’re a good pilot, even if you do, get propeller guards. There’s just some shots people, like me for example love to take like for example, tight canyons or flying in between rock walls, mountains and so on.

The propeller guard may not be comfortable to put on but having it there when you decide to take the drone for a flight in the tight space makes you a lot less nervous when you’re flying it. Take it from someone who has done this with his Mavic Pro, and without the propeller guards. The drift was bad (because of a bad connection) and several times I nearly crashed it. And that was with a small one, imagine how much more dangerous and likely that is to happen with a Phantom!

Now this accessory isn’t exactly mandatory, but as drone fliers know, a potentially good shot can always present itself, anywhere and just having this extra insurance around for a small price can save your big price drone from crashing. I’d rather have the propeller guards on and have those hit the rock walls than the propellers themselves. One wrong touch and it’s all over. These give you more than just once chance to mess up (not that you should!). Get them here.

So there they are, the 5 accessories I recommend you get. I am happy with them and they are more for insurance than than anything else (it already films more than well enough in my opinion so I don’t think about the ND filters or other things like that).

Proper accessories for the Phantom 4 = a longer life for that drone:

If you’re the type of person who flies your Phantom drone often, then having one or more of these accessories will really help extend the life of that drone, and that’s because you’ll be keeping it safe. Obviously, depending on the type of flier you are, depends on which of these accessories best fits you, but I think its a diverse enough list to help all types of Phantom 4 drone owners decide.

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