So there’s an interesting comparison I’ve been wanting to do for awhile and that is between the Phantom 4 Pro, which I own and the Autel Evo which I’ve already compared to it’s likeliest foes:
The Mavic Pro. In this comparison (here), I basically concluded that the Evo was better in terms of camera quality, but otherwise, the Mavic Pro was still the better rated drone, so I rated it a little bit higher in points.
The Mavic Air. In this comparison (here), I believed the Autel drone was better in various functions:
Camera quality, overall flight time, overall reliability and so on and did rate it higher than the Air. It’s also A LOT quieter too.
But the air did have a few advantages such as smaller size and the fact that it’s backwards sensor actually worked as opposed to the Evo (updates to the Evo did clear this up I think).
So if you’re wondering how Autel’s new model takes on it’s DJI competition, you are welcome to check out those articles above.
But today, I want to compare it to what is currently DJI’s best CONSUMER drone: The Phantom 4 Pro, which is also the one I’ve rated highest on this site out of all the drones I’ve seen thus far.
Can Autel’s model beat the P4P? Let’s find out:
Here’s some quick notes on both models:
I have a full review of the P4P here. In short, here is what’s most noteworthy on this model:
- 20 MP camera, 4K @ 60 FPS and 100 mbps filming quality. To date this is the single best drone I’ve ever shot
videos and photos with. See footage here.
- It has a 30 minute flight time (closer to 27 minutes in most circumstances where I’ve flown).
- The range is around 7 KM, but I usually get about 4-6 in open areas and 1-2 in areas with a lot of obstacles.
- 5 sensors (everywhere but at the top, but they only work when it’s in tripod mode).
- Over 10 intelligent flight modes.
- Strong against wind.
My rating for it is 95 out of 100 points.
Now for the Autel Evo (full review here):
- 12 MP camera, also 4K @ 60 FPS and 100 mbps video capabilities. As of 2018, this model has the best camera
on any PORTABLE drone models on the market. But in 2019, I will be saying the Mavic 2 Pro wins in that regard.
- Also has a 30 minute flight time, although as I’ve said before, the tests I’ve seen shown it to be 20-25 minutes.
- Also there is a 7 KM range like the P4P, but this usually only happens in completely open areas with no signal interference. The usual range tests are between 1-4 km.
- This has 3 sensors, although upon release, it was noted the back sensor wasn’t really working, it just beeps to warn you, but it doesn’t stop the drone if you get too close to an obstacle (this may have been updated since).
- Several intelligent flight modes too including a very smart return to home.
My rating for it: 85 out of 100 points.
Now if you just compare the specs based on the above things I listed, it’s pretty clear that the P4P holds more value and benefits, but this is where you have to look at both models more closely.
So this is where I want to note what happens if we compare specific things between both models such as the camera. In which case will it really be better?
Let’s do this, and we’ll begin with the camera…
In terms of video filming capabilities, both models, on paper have the same specs. However, when it comes to actual filming and picture taking, you’re looking at a 20 MP camera vs a 12 MP one, and I have to say, this isn’t a big deal because if you examine the footage, you may have mixed views.
Now I don’t own the Evo, but I have seen enough comparisons between it and the P4P. There is a difference and I honestly think the P4P shoots better and sharper (although some people would disagree).
So to showcase this, I’ve attached a YouTube video of one of my favorite drone channels (Captain Drone), where he compares these 2. You let me know in the comments which one films better:
By the way, this man has an awesome YouTube channel on this hobby so be sure to subscribe to him if you enjoy his content.
Now in spite of the fact that I believe the P4P shoots better, the Evo is right up there, so you’re not really getting that much of a different picture. While there are some noticeable differences, both these models are at the TOP of consumer drones when it comes to quality footage. If you’re OK with EITHER of these models and the way they film, but still can’t decide on which one to get, then there’s the next factor to consider which is…
Portability and I think we all know which model wins there…
Clearly the Autel model, hands down.
This is truly the kind of model you will want to have with you if you go on outdoor adventures and don’t want it to take up too much space. However, if portability isn’t a big deal to you, then go with the P4P (it’s about twice as big), because there is another factor to consider in all these comparisons…
Reliability of the actual drone (connection, range, sensors).
In these regards, the P4P wins. I always go back to comparing how these models would work in the mountains (typically a bad connection area) and having a reliable connection is key to having a safe flight there.
I’ve seen numerous times DJI models (with the exception of the Spark and Mavic Air) connect really quickly to numerous satellites in spite of the fact my phone connection wasn’t working in the same area and this provided me with a safe flight I could rely on. Most noteworthy is the fact that the Mavic Pro and P4P are the best at this.
By the way, if you currently don’t own a P4P, do note that it’s upgraded to the P4P V2.0 (same price, same specs, but tiny extra benefits) which is the same thing, but with a more reliable connection (so it’s even better).
While I know the Evo will also do well in these areas, from what I’ve seen with the connection issues that sometimes arise, the P4P will be far more reliable in difficult connection areas and that will lead to a lot more flights being done, safely.
Do note that the P4P uses lightbridge for connection, while the P4P V2.0 uses ocusync which is even more reliable and the Evo uses advanced WiFi (least reliable). Know the difference.
One last factor…price.
If your wallet is severely affected by a few $100, then get yourself the Evo, it’s about $500 LESS expensive than the P4P. If not, get the P4P.
2 major points for the P4P and 2 major points for the Evo:
- Overall, the abilities both models have in terms of filming is phenomenal, but the P4P slightly wins here.
- Also it’s overall capabilities in terms of flight, reliability also play a huge role in me recommending it in that regard.
Now as the for the Evo, it’s 2 main advantages of the P4P are…
- The portability (whilst also filming very well).
- And price. You’re looking at substantial savings with this one.
So in finalizing this comparison, these are the 4 factors I’d look at and see where you personally identify closest with, from that I would decide on which of these 2 models you’d buy.
I was very close to getting the Autel Model, until the Mavic 2 Pro was released in late 2018, so I got that one instead and I do think it is better overall, but will be comparing it to the Evo in later articles.